- December 1, 2024 - 10:45 am
Emmanuel ECC – Zoom Service & In-Person Service
10:45 am
To join us for this service, begin the process to join the ZOOM session any time after 10:30 am by going to:
- Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2514057791
- If prompted, enter the Meeting ID: 251 405 7791
If the above link doesn’t work, you can also enter the conference by going to:
- Go to: https://zoom.us/
- Click on “Join a meeting”
- Enter the Meeting ID: 251 405 7791
ALTERNATELY, if you do not have access to a computer or cell phone, you can participate in the audio-only portion of the event by dialing: 646-558-8656
and entering the Meeting ID when prompted: 251 405 7791
If you have any questions or difficulties with the process, contact Christine Pense: Cpense@northampton.edu / 610-324-3880